Sunday, May 24, 2009

Remembering our Hero's

Memorial Day is a day of rememberance. We thank those who currently serve, have served and remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy things like hot dogs, apple pie and the American way!

Thank a vet and remember 3 pm as the moment of silence for those who have kept us free - no matter how much we try and give it away.

Special thanks to my work out partner - Gary - Marine (retired but never "former")!

Dr. Mays

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Waking Up Productive

I've learned this lesson from Matt Joyner about being productive. In our lives we are bombarded by everything imaginable and most of the time, we have to focus on several things just to keep up. Well, one way to help calm down the chaos is to plan for it ahead of time.

There are several things everyday that require our attention, and by spending just a few minutes per day on a few things we can be like the army..."we accomplish more things in the morning than most people do all day."

This is because there is a plan. By simply making a plan for the day, you can have far more productivity than just winging it, and it doesn't need to be rigid and inflexible, it just needs to get the job done.

For example, if you have to work for the day, but there are several other things that must get done, make a list of the get done and put it on the list. Keep the list in front of you so as the chores of the day pile up, you can tick off the parts of the list that you accomplish and you can make life easier and more productive through the day. There are several great tools available to help this process, and we'll be introducting more of them during our launch on June 13th.

Keep an eye out.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Great Response and the info is coming!

Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey - we are keeping the Exercise Survey up through this week to get all your questions and comments, and we are hoping to have the teleseminar after Memorial Day!

There are only 50 lines available for the call, but as I stated in the previous post, EVERYONE who fills out the survey will have the "members only" access for the call once it's recorded.

Keep the questions coming and we'll talk to you soon!

Dr. Mays

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Exercise and your questions

We've been putting together a teleconference with our local fitness guru and we're going to be getting that information together for the pain free living information.

Did you know that people who are active tend to stay healthier than those that don't exercise?

Now many of us think that exercise needs to be "Schwarzenegger-like" and you need to spend hours at a time at the gym, but we're about to blow the lid off of that myth!

Within a few short minutes a day, you can make you're body more flexible, more mobile, less sore and be better able to handle all of live's daily activities.

Before we hold the teleconference, I would love to hear what your biggest questions are about exercise and living pain free. You can go to this link

Short Exercise Teleconference Input

and fill out a quick 4 question survey about exercise. As a special bonus, after the teleconference, I'll send all of you that fill out the survey a link to our "member's only" website that will have a replay of the teleconference that you can listen to at any time, just for filling out the survey.

Thank you in advance.

Dr. Mays

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pain free over 50

Our newest endeavor is for our Boomers! We see hundreds of people in our office a week that are constantly searching for ways to stop pain, increase mobility and lead more active pain free lifestyles.

What's happening is that most of our patients are experiencing amazing results and are sharing with their friends and family how well they are doing. The problem is that most of them cannot fly or drive to our offices for personalized care, so this newest post is about solving that problem.

Starting June 13th, we well be offering membership to our Pain Free Over 50 that helps answer the questions of how can I live without pain, what can be done about ending my sciatica, what can I do with a hernaited disc, what helps with my heartburn etc. These are the answers that my patients have found the solution and now I want to offer it to others.

My goal is to start writing every day until the 13th of June, and offering just a small sneak peak at what will be available to you.

If you are interested in finding out more, just let us know and we'll make sure you're on our early bird list.

I'm posting this on my twitter and facebook pages so this will go out to hundreds of people. You can e-mail me now at and I'll make sure to get you on the list.

Dr. Mays